It's election day in the USA and it couldn't come soon enough. After 21 months and a primary election, it'll be nice to get past partisan bickering and divisive campaign tactics by McShame and just move forward. Of course, it'll be easier to move forward if my candidate, Barack Obama, should win.
As expected, there were long lines this morning and I can only wonder if these will stretch out further for those after work voters. I cast my ballot this morning after waiting just over an hour. It was nice to connect with folks who were eager to place their votes. You could almost sense those who were voting for the first time or the first time in a really long time. And of course, you will see those who choose to walk away because they don't have "time" to wait in line; nevermind the fact we only do this once every four years.
It's going to be impossible concentrating on anything but the election over the next 12 hours. All I can say is get ready to embrace change. Regardless of your views, just Get Out the Vote today peoples!